
1. CD smart start normally come with the server otherwise download from server vendor website

2. Windows Server 2008 R2

3. Prepare the command prompt statement to activate:

a. Rename Computer name:

- Netdom RenameComputer %computername% /newname

- Shutdown /r /t 0

b. List Network Interfaces that Currently connected

- Netsh interface show interface

c. Setup static primary IP address if needed.

- Netsh interface ipv4 set address “Local Area Network ” static

d. Setup DNS server

- Netsh interface ipv4 set dnsserver “Local Area Network ” static index=1

- Netsh interface ipv4 set dnsserver “Local Area Network ” static index=2

e. If you are on Cluster, tell the cluster NIC not to register itself in DNS

- Netsh interface ipv4 set dnsserver static none none

f. Join server to domain

- Netdom join /domain: /user: /pawwordd:*

g. Open Firewall ports for remote Administration

- Netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group=”Remote Administration” new enable=yes

- Netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group=”Remote Desktop” new enable=yes

- Netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group=”Remote Volume Management” new enable=yes

a. Note: this last command has to be run on both core Installation and the server/workstation managing it

h. Add new ICMP Echo for all firewall profiles

- Netsh firewall set icmpsetting 8 enable all

i. Enable remote connection to the virtual Disk service

- Sc config vds start=auto

- Net start vds

j. Enable Terminal services to enabling anywhere access

- Cscript c:\windows\system32\SCredEdit.wsf /ar 0

- Shutdown /r /t 0

k. Confirm Regional Settings

- Control timedate.cpl

- Control intl.cpl

l. Turn of Windows Update auto update

- Cscript SCregEdit.wsf /AU 1

- Net stop wuauserv

m. Enable WinRM

- WinRM quickconfig

n. Install Hyper-V

More Info@

- Start /w ocsetup Microsoft-Hyper-V

o. Script requirement to update the server

More Info@

Save as c:\WUA_searchDownloadInstall.vbs and run it to update the server

- Cscript c:\WUA_searchDownloadInstall.vbs

- Shutdown /r /t 0

p. Set the product key and licenses to server

- Start /w slmgr.vbs –ipk

- Start /w slmgr.vbs -auto

q. Just to check it’s actually taken affect

- Start /w slmgr.vbs -dli

r. Log off, and server ready for production

Use the following core installation to make your life easy. J

4. Copy the CoreConfig, how to getit? mail me to jxfernand[at] after you receive copy to the destination server on C: drive and run the following command:

a. C:\CoreConfig>cscript Start_Coreconfig.wsf

b. Click on Computer settings

c. Add or Remove Role

d. Check the Microsoft-Hyper-V

e. Click Apply it would require restart

5. Install Hyper-V manager on client machine and start manage the

a. Virtual Machine

i. New Virtual Machine

ii. Import ready Virtual Machine

b. Attach the Virtual Hard Disk

i. Create New Virtual Hard disk

ii. Import ready Virtual Hard Disk

c. Memory Allocation

d. Processor Allocation

e. Add Network Adapter

6. X
