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For the first time in Timor-Leste's history the Head of State, President Taur Matan Ruak, has made a public declaration of personal assets. Not only has President Ruak made public his own assets but also those of his wife and children.  In what is viewed by many as a direct challenge to the political elite of Timor-Leste President Ruak has not only submitted a asset declaration but has made the documents public.  Tempo Semanal has obtained copied just hours ago.


Declaration of Personal Assets President Taur Matan Ruak 22 Aug 2012


Declaration of Personal Assets President Taur Matan Ruak 22 Aug 2012


Declaration of Personal Assets President Taur Matan Ruak 22 Aug 2012

In doing so President Ruak has strongly challenged the Government, opposition parties and the leadership of the civil service to follow his example.

At 11:00 AM Dili time the President of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste make public his asset declaration. The First Lady and President's Chief of Staff met with Dr. Claudio Ximenes President of the High Court for 20 minutes to submit the asset declaration documents. Speaking to journalists in front of High court the First Lady said, “Today I come here on behalf of the President of the Republic and accompanied by the President’s Chief of Staff to submit the President's asset declaration.”

There are growing concerns and discussion in Timor-Leste about the matter of politicians and civil servants making personal asset declaration. Many people said it’s only a kind of maneuver by the politicians. But Isabel Ferreira said, “We will make available to the public the copies of the President's asset declaration so people have full knowledge of what assets the President hold.  Let the people judge.”

“We will distribute the copies of the declaration document of the President's, those of his wife as well as his children.” She reiterates.

The law indicates that public officeholders must submit their asset delcaration to the court but that it not need be public, but the First Lady said “we want to make it public and if the public wants to know they may come to High Court and ask for it. But President of the Republic want to make it available to the public to allow citizens to act as watchdog on making sure the President follows through on campaign pledges for clean government and good governance.  This is based on the President’s political commitment during his campaign on the issue to fight the corruptions in our young nation of Timor-Leste.”

The public is happy with the President attitude to saw the example to the members of public officers in the country. "I think what the President and his wife is doing is good example to the Timorese and will hopefully make those in power to do the same as President did this morning," Pedro Rodrigues  Amaral told Tempo Semanal.

Posted By TEMPO SEMANAL to TEMPO SEMANAL on 8/22/2012 02:53:00 PM